DayU: Productivity App
End-to-End Design
February 2024 - May 2024
December 2024 - January 2025
Visual Identity Design, UI / UX Design, Creative Direction, Front-End Dev
Product Marketing Manager (Sofia Troshina)
Technical Product Manager (Fernanda Sesto)
Adobe Illustrator, Figma, FlutterFlow
Create a distinctive brand identity and intuitive user interface for DayU that appeals to Gen-Z and Millenial women. The design must balance functionality with a calming, motivational aesthetic, while reflecting inclusivity, trust, and mindfulness.
Establish DayU as a trusted, visually engaging, and user-centric productivity tool through thoughtful creative direction, branding, and user experience design.
Craft and deliver a cohesive brand strategy that prioritizes the health and wellness needs of Gen Z and Millenial women. Through thoughtful creative direction, user experience, and interface design, develop a compelling visual identity that inspires trust, fosters empowerment, and aligns productivity with holistic well-being.
What is DayU?
Here's the deal…
Unlike men, women often face productivity challenges due to their monthly hormonal cycle. Influenced by the menstrual and circadian rhythms, energy patterns become hard to anticipate and plan for, both daily and monthly. Traditional productivity tools ignore these variations, leading to ineffective scheduling, unmet goals, and frustration.
How we chose to solve it...
Driven by our mission to help women take control of their productivity, we created a mobile productivity app that aligns tasks with women’s hormonal cycle. By aligning tasks with natural energy levels through an intuitive interface and thoughtful branding, the app empowers women to balance their productivity with self-care and overall well-being.
Crafting the Visual Identity
A strong visual identity starts with a strong brand identity...
My teammates and I built DayU for people like us: young women navigating the early stages of their careers. When shaping the brand identity, we focused on values that reflect our experiences, aspirations, and the support we wished we had.
Bringing it to life...
Once my teammates and I finalized our brand identity, it was a matter of bringing that to life visually. The color palette, logomark, typography, and all else were built around our brand values.
Creating the App Itself
The first step in design is research...
To design DayU, I started by understanding the people it’s meant to serve. Through extensive research (literature reviews, user surveys, etc), my team and I created a psychographic profile to capture the values, lifestyles, and pain points of our target audience. This was my guide in making design decisions.
Then came user flows and wireframes...
Nothing gets done in a vacuum, so this part was especially collaborative. My team and I sat in front a whiteboard mapping out a user flow that made sense for both front and back-end development that I then simplified for front-end purposes. Wireframe sketches were discussed with my PMM and then digitally refined.
And finally, the cherry on top!
I present to you, the completed DayU! If you’d like to play around with the prototype, contact me using one of the links at the bottom:)
Let's Reflect
This was my first ever project so I learned a lot...
Good design takes time
It’s okay to try again, and be a little embarrassed of past iterations
Be thorough and document EVERYTHING, you will need it later
Designing end-to-end takes a lottttt of caffeine and good playlists
Don’t be afraid to admit that you’re overwhelmed
Having a solid team you can rely on makes everything 10x better
Taking regular mental breaks from your work can actually rejuvenate your spirit and creativity
You can and WILL grow if you take the time to practice